For over 30 years, we have delivered workshops and training programs tailored to meet the rapidly changing needs of leaders in today’s global economy. Our strategy involves developing individuals, groups and organizations into true “centers of excellence.”
By utilizing the existing talents, strengths and resources, our clients are able to connect to their positive core in ways that heighten their energy, sharpen their vision, and inspire action for positive, sustainable change.
We believe the success of any human endeavor is dependent upon the relationships between those involved. We value each person and strive to develop a rapport, trust, and understanding with all our clients by investing time and energy into understanding each client, their business, and their aspirations.
The size of our workshops and consulting projects vary based on the event’s location and the needs of the client. We ensure that every AI intervention has the right participant-to-trainer ratio to allow for extensive interaction between our trainer(s) and participants – permitting each participant to receive more assistance with individual needs.
“We remember best what we experience. We understand best what we identify with. We learn best by doing.” We are aware of the importance of personal experience in the retention of learning. This is the underlying principle used when designing and delivering our workshops and/or consulting projects.
Our intimate learning sessions create the perfect environment for networking, motivating, and supporting other workshop participants. We encourage participants to continue to share their challenges and experiences with one another even after the workshop or project has concluded. Support from others can provide the strength needed to continue on the path of positive, sustainable change.
All workshops, consulting projects, and change initiatives are built upon AI and its principles. Appreciative Inquiry is an energizing and inclusive process that fosters creativity through the art of positive inquiry. AI invites change through the creation of shared meaning, vision and purpose by building upon the core values and strengths of participants – resulting in strategic initiatives, actionable items, commitment, and sustainability.
To ensure the successful implementation of the skill sets taught during our trainings and consulting projects, our AI Professionals make themselves readily available to answer questions, share knowledge, and provide on-going support and encouragement long after the AI intervention has concluded.
For over 30 years, we have been a leader in Appreciative Inquiry trainings and certification. Many of our trainings include certification – at no additional cost to you. Certification demonstrates to your customers, competitors, suppliers, staff and investors that you use industry-respected best practices.
Evolving positively in today’s changing environment requires that we constantly improve and build upon our skill sets. By providing cost effective workshops, we hope to attract more individuals, groups, and organizations who are expected “to do more with less”. We now offer group rates that provide additional savings on top of our already reduced workshop prices.
Our Certified AI Professionals possess a passion for working with people, are appreciative of the opportunities they have, and have outstanding work experiences. Each AI Professional has a strong commitment to the theory and practice of their subject area — bringing a balance of education, consulting, and on-the-job experience to our trainings and consulting projects.
“Build upon our strengths and reach out to help others; Stay appreciative and present in the moment; Seek out and embrace new ideas expanding our Worldview; and Value and hold dear our partnerships and collaborations”
We seek organizations and venues throughout the world to host any of our trainings. To show our gratitude for their hospitality, host organizations can receive up to two complimentary registration for the training held on their site when minimum enrollment numbers have been met.