Become A Certified Trainer

The Center for Appreciative Inquiry is seeking experienced trainers, coaches, consultants and facilitators to become certified to teach its Appreciative Inquiry Trainings and Workshops. Trainers will be certified to deliver our various workshops (to business, community, non-profit, education, etc.) to support the growth and interest in Appreciative Inquiry focusing on dialogue, collaboration and how the human systems thrive.

We are looking for high energy people with a commitment to helping others develop and grow as internal facilitators and to be part of creating a better World Community. If you are grounded in humans systems flourishing demonstrated by your views of social change and by participating in the AI Community, you may be a good match for this program.


Our Appreciative Inquiry trainings are unique, intensive, and highly interactive programs that consistently receive rave reviews. It has served as the vehicle for profound personal, professional and leadership transformations in organizations of all types and sizes. An invitation to become a Certified Appreciative Inquiry Trainer is special to us and we are looking for others to join us who recognize the importance of this work.

Step 1: Demonstrate Appreciative Inquiry Knowledge
Our Certified Ai Trainers exhibit expertise in the courses they teach and spend time continuing to gain new knowledge in their field. To apply to become a Certified Appreciative Inquiry Trainer you must meet one of the following pre-requisites:

  • Successfully completed an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training and have submitted (or are in the process of submitting) your practicum; or
  • Participated in an Appreciative Inquiry Foundations course (with a minimum of 26 classroom hours) and have submitted documentation of your experience while on your Ai journey to a panel of Ai practitioners from the Center for Appreciative Inquiry to review.

Step 2: Pre-Observation Planning and Preparation
The Center for Appreciative Inquiry has adopted a collaborative model for training observation, wherein the trainee and Certified Lead Trainer (CLT) share expertise and collaborate to design solutions and activities to improve the training. These observations will take place in an environment of mutual trust and respect. To assist with the building of mutual trust and respect, the trainee and CLT should host at least one pre-observation planning meeting prior to the training.

These pre-observation planning meetings provides you with the opportunity to meet with the lead trainer to discuss logistics, goals (for the training, the participants and each other), and training curricula. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Review training material and exercises with Certified Lead Ai trainer (e.g. make revisions, assign teaching sections, etc.)
  • Jointly allocate training responsibilities and duties (e.g. marketing efforts, venue liason, event contact, catering, printing, etc.)
  • Collaborate on training budget creation (e.g. determining training expenses, income, and participant pricing)

Step 3: Training Observation Program
While you and the Certified Lead Trainer will be co-delivering an Appreciative Inquiry workshop or training, the CLT will also be observing you in your role as a potential Certified Trainer. Our training observation program is designed to help you become a more reflective and intentional trainer by providing a framework for giving constructive and focused feedback that helps trainees incorporate higher levels of desired behaviors, knowledge, and expertise into their interactions with participants during the training.

Through observation, you and your Certified Lead Trainer will be able to discuss your teaching style, generate ideas for different teaching/learning decisions you might incorporate in the future, and encourage and nurture your growth as an Appreciative Inquiry trainee.

Step 4: Collective Observations and Reflections
At the end of each training day, we ask that you will take time to reflect on your teaching, the training room environment, the training curricula, and the participants, etc. Make notes if necessary.

After the training concludes, you and the CLT will meet to discuss your reflections, the CLT’s notes, questions, and recommendations. Together, you will discuss what went well, what you would like more of, and how you might do things differently next time.

Next you will write and submit a practicum that documents your experience of designing, coordinating, and facilitating an Appreciative Inquiry training. Once submitted, your practicum will be reviewed by a panel of seasoned Ai practitioners. Once approved, you will receive an email that welcomes you to our growing list of Ai trainings, along with your Appreciative Inquiry Training Certification.


Interested in becoming a Certified Appreciative Inquiry Trainer? Please email Kathy Becker, CEO and President of the Center for Appreciative Inquiry, with your interest. We look forward to exploring the possibilities with you.

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