Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry

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January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2034 - Self-Directed Online Course


In this self-paced asynchronous program, you will explore the foundational theories, principles, and 5-D process of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) through experiential exercises designed to invite discovery, reflection, and implementation. The objective of this course is to encourage you and others to use the appreciative inquiry methodology to cultivate stronger relationships, promote meaningful engagement, and inspire positive change.


As a fully engaged participant in the Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry workshop, you will leave this workshop better able to:

  • Recognize the power of storytelling and its ability to transform our paradigm and reality.
  • Understand the difference between the AI Process (doing) and Principles of AI (being).
  • Provide real-life examples that illustrate the AI principles’ impact on your way of being, thinking, and doing.
  • Intentionally seek new ways of knowing, understanding, and interacting with others.
  • Begin a personal paradigm shift from “what’s wrong” to “what’s right”.
  • Broaden your capacity to draw on positive emotions, images, and experiences to create opportunities for joy, growth, and fulfillment.


There are no pre-requisites to participate in this Appreciative Inquiry foundations course.


Anyone who wants to make positive and lasting change within themselves, their organizations, and communities.


The Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry online program is an asynchronous, self-paced course. An asynchronous online course is a fully online course with no required virtual or face-to-face (live) sessions. This offers participants the flexibility to access instructional materials and resources, complete activities, and practice techniques and skills essential to the learning goals for this course at time, place, and location that works best for them. All course materials and activities are located online and can be found on LearnDash, the Center for Appreciative Inquiry’s learning management system.


To enhance the learning experience, this course has been designed to accommodate various learning styles by incorporating a mix of text, graphics, videos, and downloadable activities.

FOUNDATIONS OF APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY In this opening module, we begin by introducing Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as a transformational change model that invites meaningful dialogue around our strengths and successes by using generative questions that inquire into the ideal. Next you will explore the power of storytelling, two approaches to human learning and change, and see how the practice and application of AI has evolved over time.

SUPPORTING RESEARCH & THEORIES OF APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY In this module, we present scientific research, theories, and fields of study that support strength-based approaches to change, such as Appreciative Inquiry. Understanding the working theories and research that support Appreciative Inquiry and its impact on our beliefs, learning, and behavior help illustrate why Appreciative Inquiry is a powerful and energizing tool for creating and sustaining change.

PRINCIPLES OF APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY What are the principles of Appreciative Inquiry and what purpose do they serve? In this module, you will learn about the original and emergent principles of AI through experiential activities and reflective questions that demonstrate how the principles influence your way of being, thinking, and doing in the world.

5-D APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY PROCESS Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a way of being and seeing; it is both a worldview and process for inviting and facilitating positive change. In this module, you will learn about the 5-D’s of Appreciative Inquiry – Define, Discover, Dream, Design, and Destiny – by experiencing the process first hand as they apply to designing and completing a personal appreciative visioning plan.

APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY IN ACTION Appreciative Inquiry encourages individuals to adapt and alter the process to create a custom change experience appropriate to the needs, outcomes, timelines, and budgets of the individual, group, or organization. The invitation to create new and inclusive forms of engagement sparked the development of new programs and workshops built upon the AI methodology. In this module, we will present a variety of subjects to demonstrate Appreciative Inquiry’s scalability and versatility in its application.


Certificates of Completion are available to all participants. To obtain a letter, participants must complete the training and submit course feedback. Certificates of Completion include the participant’s name, the name of the course completed, and the number of training hours offered by the course. The Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry online course offers 10 training hours.


REFUND POLICY All fees are due upon registration. Your full participation is very important to us and we know that from time to time, your plans to attend one of our workshops or programs may change. Our refund policy reflects our interest in your continued growth and learning journey as well as our planning needs and expenses incurred based on your enrollment. For more information about our Refund Policy, please click here.

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Event Registration

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The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry On-Demand Course
$ 595.00

Event Registration

Select the number of individuals that will be attending.

The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry On-Demand Course
$ 595.00

85 people are attending Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry

Registration Includes

Your paid registration of this course includes:
→ Immediate access to the on-demand course.
→ Five modules containing 33 topics.
→ Downloadable handouts and exercises.
→ Course forum to exchange ideas and ask questions.
→ Certificate of Course Completion.
→ A customizable CAI member profile.
→ Access to private network to connect community members.

Your access to the Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry course will expire one (1) year after the date of registration. Within that time frame, participants are encouraged to log into LearnDash to download and save all materials, activities, and resources within the Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry course.

To help orient you to our online platform, we have created a YouTube playlist containing a series of short videos designed to help you navigate the online platform and demonstrate its features to help maximize your learning experience. The link to this playlist will be included in your registration confirmation email.

Event Cost

On-Demand Course Pricing:

$595.00 USD per person.

Company discounts are available. Please contact us for pricing information.

Payment options include Credit/Debit card and PayPal.


Self-Directed Online Course


Kathy Becker