It’s hard to believe that 2015 is almost over. As 2015 comes to an end, we hope you might join us in a fun, mini-inquiry by asking yourself the following appreciative questions…
Think back on this past year and recall a peak experience you have had. What was this peak experience? What made this experience so remarkable? Will made this experience possible? What did you accomplish? What were you exceptionally proud of? Who were your biggest champions? Remember that moment and celebrate it.
Now think about other positive experiences in your life. What do these experiences all have in common? Write your observations down and ask yourself, “What does the future I want look like? How I can apply what I have uncovered about my peak experiences from that past, to what I want to accomplish in 2016?”
This coming year, we see the door of opportunity opening for so many of you – and we look forward to walking the journey with you. As always, we thank you for sharing your stories with us; we laugh, we learn, and are amazed at the engagement and excitement that we hear from you.

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