Words Create Worlds ® – March 2009 Newsletter

Posted: March 31, 2009
This is a great year for the Company of Experts – we are celebrating 20 years serving organizations and people – just like you.  It has been a great experience for us and the Experts on Call.  Special thanks to Nancy Stetson who started this company in her home.
We feel so fortunate to hear from so many of you. We appreciate you sharing the terrific things that you are doing both personally and professionally. You tell us that you are working and living appreciatively, focusing on your strengths. But, it is tough sometimes when the airwaves are filled primarily with negative news. We have wondered what we can do – we have started a group on Linkedin for our AIFT graduates.  We invite you to join us and share your stories of life, connections, compassion and creativity.
Words Create Worlds ® – March 2009 Newsletter

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