Words Create Worlds ® – March 2011 Newsletter

Posted: March 24, 2011

Life can change with every breath we take. Living in a world of exponential change, emergencies, such as the tsunami in Japan, remind us of the goodness and humanity of humans and our interconnectedness to each other. The generosity, compassion, and service shown by fellow humans provide hope to those affected by this tragedy – this is humanity in its richest sense.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ~Leo Buscaglia, Author and Motivational Speaker

The global community in which we reside has an enormous influence on us personally – it fosters camaraderie, accountability, responsibility, and sustainability – which is why it is so important that we each do our part for the greater good of humanity. No matter how you decide to contribute (time, money, clothing or food donations, love, etc.) at the heart of your generosity is the genuine desire to make a difference.

We invite each of you to join in the high energy and well-being that gratitude, compassion, and generosity brings to each of us. As always, we thank each of you for sharing your stories of success – seeking the high points to learn, adapt, and thrive – your stories always bring such light into our office and to our work. We are happy to announce that we have two new stories to share with you from our two newest certified Appreciative Inquiry Facilitators. Please read on to find out more about their stories of success.



Words Create Worlds ® – March 2011 Newsletter

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