
Appreciative Inquiry in Action

Learn how people who have become certified in one of our Appreciative Inquiry programs are using AI in their companies, schools, communities, and healthcare organizations to inspire positive change in people and organizations.

Appreciative Inquiry Online

Our appreciative inquiry online trainings maximize your learning experience by deepening your understanding of the instructional material through immediate application, group discussion and activities, online forums, and reflective prompts. Experience the CAI Online advantage!

Forms of Engagement

Each training and consulting job we perform is tailored to meet the needs (time, money, and resources), outcomes and objectives of each individual, group, or organization we serve. To ensure that our client’s objectives are…

Generic Process of Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry engagements are designed and delivered using the 5-D process consisting of: Define, Discover, Dream, Design, and Destiny. Learn more about what each step involves...

Other AI Resources

News, books, websites, and podcasts! These inspired resources provide unlimited ways for you to learn about Appreciative Inquiry and the difference positivity makes in how we see the world.

Principles of Appreciative Inquiry

The Principles of Appreciative Inquiry explain the basic tenets of the methodology and serve as the foundation needed to support the success of the 5-D AI Process.

Trending Topics

AI can be used to address challenges and opportunities organizations face today. Which of these trending topics might positively provoke an AI engagement in your organization or with your clients?


From professional and personal insights to forward-thinking topics that inspire action, our video library has something for everyone.

What is Appreciative Inquiry (AI)?

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an energizing and inclusive process that fosters creativity through the art of positive inquiry. It builds new skills, develops new leaders, & encourages a culture of inquiry.

Words Create Worlds

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