What a wonderful opportunity to be able to attend the World Appreciative Inquiry Conference 2012 in Ghent, Belgium; and, to have our story accepted as a workshop! Pinch us now! But don’t wake us from this wonderful dream. Our workshop is April 27th, 2012, Friday at 10:00 a.m. if you are at the Conference, we hope to see you there. We are going to provide a weekly update on Bibb and our preparation for the Conference as well as conference updates.
We cannot begin to say how excited we are to share the Bibb County School story on such a grand scale as the WAIC 2012. Working with the amazing people at BCS (all 4,500 of them) was a life changing experience for us. Designing our presentation brings up those good thoughts again and makes them real as though we are reliving that energy, that dynamic experience that touched our senses on so many levels.
That feeling of knowing you are part of something special, something grand. That is the Macon Miracle. Is it perfect! Is it all blue skies? The story definitely is a dance, one day like a slow waltz and another with the fast tempo of a Latin salsa.
Bibb County Schools has been such an awesome experience and I feel so honored to continue to share their story. Hard to believe that this journey with BCS was started less than one year ago- August of 2011. A simple email with a request from Dr. Judy Godfrey. Would we be interested in submitting a proposal to help them with a Summit to initiate their Strategic Planning process? Then a late evening phone call with Dr. Dallemand, Superintendent (6 months into his tenure), Susanne (need her last name) and Judy. Just a quick call to quickly go over the intention and the timing. Then, the race began.

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