Do you find it hard to be appreciative during this time? Economy, politics, war, climate change, education, poverty – there is a lot of “stuff” in the way. And it is all serious “stuff”. Staying open to see the possibilities is so important to our happiness, health and general well-being. What helps me is to spend time reflecting on what gave me joy during the day, and equally fulfilling is to give others joy. And that is so easy. Be open to those moments when someone helps you, goes out of their way – like the cashier at the grocery store, the receptionist at the Department of Motor Vehicles or the secretary at your child’s school – and show their your appreciation. Ask them what was the best thing that happened today; what excites them most about their job. You may hear something like “no one has ever asked me that question before”, be genuine in your interest, listen with your heart and you may just find this one of those joyful moments.
We invite each of you to join in the high energy and well-being that gratitude, compassion, and generosity brings to each of us. As always, we thank each of you for sharing your stories of success – seeking the high points to learn, adapt, and thrive – your stories always bring such light into our office and to our work. Please keep sending us your personal stories of success via email, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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