Appreciative Inquiry is meant to be practiced consistently and genuinely, even – if not especially – when it’s most challenging to do so. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that “the ultimate measure of a (hu)man is not where (they) stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where (they) stand in times of challenge and controversy.
Few would argue that we see AI in action in the Ukrainian people’s response to the invasion of their country, their lives, and their families. They are clear about what they want, they encourage it in each other, and they have asked for others to support them. One Ukrainian official remarked,
“We are not asking you to die for Ukraine. We are willing to die for Ukraine and the West. We are asking for your assistance.”
If you are looking for ways to support organizations that are supporting the people of Ukraine, we want to help make that effort easier. We have found several sources that include links to nonprofit organizations around the world. Each link below has lists of organizations providing different types of aid, some are very narrow in focus, others are broad. We encourage you to review and vet organizations to your comfort and satisfaction. We can’t ignore that there are people taking advantage of this situation, but we can take positive and proactive steps toward finding the ones that aren’t.
- From National Public Radio (NPR|US)
- From The Cut, offers a long list of ways to specifically help children and refugees; including BIPOC and LGBTIQ+ refugees; support journalists in Ukraine, and donate medical supplies.
- From the Today show, includes 15 verified organizations
Because what we focus on grows, we also wanted to share this article that highlights seven positive stories coming out of the Ukraine and organizations to support. Read more, and if you look for and find more positive stories, share them with us here.

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